Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I'm struggling to define what it means to be a Catholic 100% of the time. What pressure - but thank goodness we are forgiven as God knows we will fall short of what Jesus would do!

When attempting to analyze (be in falling on consulting - GAP analysis) where I can improve, there seem to be very clear baby steps to kick start the faith journey. Sadly, I've fallen behind in childhood habits (yeah...what HS reunion is coming up?!) and the list starts with
- Starting the day with prayer
- Ending the day with prayer
- Blessing for each meal
- Mass weekly

If I can consistently do the four things listed above, I believe this will increase my ability to learn to listen to what God has intended for me, recognize ways to improve throughout the day, remember the highest priorities throughout the day (i.e. the ONE - God :-D).

I'm struggling with making an action plan. As with many things I've planned (with myself hah), if there is not a deadline, the item gets shuffled to accommodate the tasks that DO have a hard/upcoming time frame. So - is there a deadline for this journey? What kind of deadlines/checkpoints can I truly hold myself to? (I'll outsmart soft assignments to "really mean this" or that...) This will take awhile to think through ;-) aaannndd the avoidance starts...

Current Next Steps:
- Complete the 4 steps outlined as best as possible
- Track typical issues with completing the 4
- Seek others as support in this journey (find a "sponsor" or "coach" - does that exist outside of priests/deacons?)
What do you think? Any particular books I should read?

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